A key and primary objective of Fair Shop is to support and promote quality employment in the retail sector by encouraging trade union members, their families and supporting organisations to make an informed choice to use Fair Shop designated retail outlets. Fair Shop will encourage you the consumer to use unionised shops rather than non-unionised shops. Fair Shop will also help reward retailers that recognise and do business with Mandate by increasing their business and market share.
A company or retail outlet that recognises Mandate for collective bargaining purposes
The background to the Fair Shop initiative is the ever increasing pressure on the organised retail sector by the actions of some retailers who do not respect their workers or their workers’ right to be collectively represented by a trade union. The impact is the constant attack on agreed wages and conditions resulting in a race to the bottom. The retail sector in general is suffering from the recession and the austerity policies of Government. The domestic economy has shrunk by over twenty-five percent in the last few years. As you are only too well aware, workers and consumers have less money to spend in retail and are becoming more conscious of where they spend their money, many seeking out value for money at any cost. In a shrinking market it is important that union members and their families across Ireland support the retail companies who support their workers – Fair Shops.
Mandate has identified Retailers in Ireland who meet the Fair Shop criteria and we intend to publicise them across the 800,000 union members and their families in Ireland. We are asking that they both as trade unionists and consumers support these shops and decent jobs by shopping in Fair Shops. We really appreciate your support for our campaign and hope you will revisit the Fair Shop website, Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis to keep informed on our Fair Shop initiative.
Fair Shop is seeking to build a broad coalition of supporters and organisations outside the trade union movement and will be announcing many future endorsements and collaborations over the coming months and years ahead.
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