Members urged to attend May Day rally

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Mandate Trade Union members are being urged to attend the Dublin May Day rally on Thursday, 1st May 2013.

All members are asked to assemble at 6:30pm at the Garden of Remembrance, Dublin 1.

May 1st is International Workers’ Day and was established to commemorate the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886.

The rally is organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions and supported by Mandate.

John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary said, “On May Day, we celebrate the victories of trade union members who have gone before us. Those who have won us many important benefits that we take for granted today, like the 8 hour day, health and safety laws and annual leave.

“We remember those who sacrificed so much so that we could have a better standard of living.”

Mr Douglas urged all union members to come out and support this year’s event, themed “Stand Up Fight Back”.

“We all know that failed austerity policies over the past six or seven years have impacted hardest on low and middle income families. All workers should send a strong message to politicians ahead of the upcoming local and European elections and they can do this by coming out and marching on May 1st.”

You can find out more information on the May Day rally at the facebook event page.

Young members can join the Youth Bloc organised by the ICTU Youth Committee.