Tesco Carrick-on-Shannon workers to join Sligo workers on strike this weekend as dispute escalates

Thursday 20 December 2018

Mandate Trade Union members in Tesco Carrick-on-Shannon will be joining their Tesco Sligo colleagues on strike this week as the company continues their refusal to abide by collective agreements.

The Sligo workers have already been on strike for two days (Thursday 6th & Friday, 14th December) and will continue their dispute tomorrow tomorrow, Friday, 21st December.

On Saturday (22nd December), the Carrick-on-Shannon store will join the Sligo strikers and will participate in their first full day of industrial action.

Mandate Trade Union is calling on the company to abide by all collective agreements, including adherence to grievance procedures in order to prevent any further damage to the business and to ensure customers are no longer inconvenienced.

John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary said: “It is unfortunate that our members are forced to strike yet again due to Tesco’s continued refusal to engage with their workers’ union and follow collective grievance procedures.

“Our members don’t want to be on strike, but it seems the company is happy to prolong this totally uneccessary strike for their own reasons. We hope the public will understand the necessity for our members to defend their interests and put the blame firmly where it belongs, with Tesco management.”

Mr Douglas said Mandate members are very sorry for any inconvenience to the public in the run up to Christmas.

Both disputes relate to the company refusing to engage with Mandate Trade Union on collective grievances. Mandate’s local representative wrote to the company on more than 10 occasions, all of which were ignored.

Mr Douglas concluded: “When a major multinational and highly profitable retailer is constantly undermining your working conditions and your right to be represented by your trade union, you are not left with many options. You can either roll over and take it, or you can fight back and I commend the Sligo and Carrick-on-Shannon workers for choosing to fight back.”

Sligo strike

Watch a video of workers explaining why they are on strike…