Lloyds workers update

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Lloyds Pharmacy workers update from Gerry Light, Mandate Assistant General Secretary – Tuesday, 7th November 2017

As you may be aware over the past several months your Union has made numerous attempts to engage in a constructive and good faith manner with Lloyds Pharmacy senior management to address the fair and legitimate issues that you, the members working in the company have raised.

These important issues include a reasonable pay increase, proper pay scales, security of working hours and the introduction of a sick pay scheme.

After initially ignoring requests from your Union for a meeting earlier this year, there were some genuine signs that the company was prepared to begin engagement after they agreed to attended conciliation at the Workplace Relations Commission. However, following several further lengthy delays on the part of the company and after having attended just one session at the Commission, management withdrew unilaterally from the process.

So today, in consultation with your national team members, the decision has been made to escalate your claim to the Labour Court. The Labour Court is the main body to adjudicate on issues in dispute between workers and employers. Along with your national team we will keep you informed when the case is due to be heard and the contents of the recommendation when it is issued by the Court.

The actions by company management to date can only be seen as wilful delaying tactics. They have been deliberately trying to stem the growth in union membership and in doing so frustrate and weaken the ability of your Union to effectively deal with the issues you the workers want addressed. That’s why it’s so important – now more than ever – that we stay the course and stay united. There are now Mandate members in two-thirds of all Lloyds Pharmacy locations. It’s critical that we continue to reach out to colleagues who are not yet Mandate members and encourage them to join. Make no mistake about it ultimately it is our strength in numbers that will affect our ability to bring about the positive changes in your terms and conditions of employment that you and all your colleagues want and deserve.

Join Mandate at www.joinmandate.ie