Mandate members urged to attend Dublin Bus workers solidarity rally

Friday 23 September 2016
The five trade unions representing workers at Dublin Bus have organised a march on Tuesday, 27th September 2016. All Mandate members are urged to assemble at Mandate Head Office, 9 Cavendish Row, Dublin 1 at 11:45am.
Workers at Dublin Bus have not received a pay rise since 2008 and they are owed 6% from a previous pay deal which was not paid. In that time, direct and indirect taxation has increased along with the cost of living.
Government subsidies to compensate for the operation of loss making routes have decreased by €27 million while massive productivity has been conceded in two separate cost cutting plans in 2009 and 2013.
Dublin Bus is now back in profit but management, the Government, Department, NTA and CIE do not value bus workers. Send a message that workers mean business.
The rally will assemble at Garden of Remembrance at 12 noon on Tuesday, 27th September 2016.
March down O’Connell Street to Molesworth Street for a rally outside Leinster House. All are welcome. Support pay rises for workers.
Join and share the Facebook event page here.
Organised by: NBRU, SIPTU, TEEU, TSSA and UNITE.