Bar workers 3 hour training course

Friday 15 July 2016
Bar workers have identified the need for training and Mandate Trade Union has now designed and developed a brand new course which will be delivered in three 3 hourly courses.
The Course content is to raise awareness in the following areas:
  • Health and Safety in the workplace
  • Health and Safety for the individual
  • Personnel Safety as a bar worker
  • Legal entitlements for bar workers
  • Know your Employment Rights
  • Identification of further training requirements for bar workers
Venue: Mandate Training Centre, Distillery Road, Dublin 3
  • Tuesday 20th September 2016
  • Tuesday 4th October 2016
  • Tuesday 25th October 2016
Time: 12 noon – 3 pm
Eligibility: Mandate Trade Union Members
Places are limited. To secure your place or for more information phone Mandate Training Centre at 01-8369699 by Friday 9th September 2016
There is no release for this course.