SuperValu workers devastated by closure of Carlow and Clonmel stores

Wednesday 2 December 2015

The 98 SuperValu workers in the Carlow and Clonmel stores are devastated at the news that their stores are to close in January according to Mandate Trade Union.

The Union says the loss of these retail jobs, particularly at this time of year, will result in a very difficult Christmas for the workers affected.

Bill Kelly, Mandate Divisional Organiser for the Clonmel store said: “These closures are down to the lack of investment and a continued lack of disposable income for workers and unemployed people in the local areas. The outcome, of course, will be that the whole region will suffer further as a result.”

He continued: “These jobs were comparatively good retail jobs that provided workers with decent work and secure incomes. Unfortunately there are very few alternatives at this moment in time, partly because the southeast of Ireland has become an unemployment black spot.”

Betty Dillon, Mandate’s Divisional Organiser for the Carlow store said: “We have sought an urgent meeting with the company to discuss redundancies, possible redeployment and other employment options that may be available. We will be giving the workers every support possible at this difficult time and we’re calling on the government to step in and provide these workers with any assistance they require.”

Mandate say there are 54 workers employed in the Carlow store and 44 workers in the Clonmel store.