Penneys shop stewards endorse two percent pay increase

Friday 12 June 2015

Mandate shop stewards in Penneys Ireland have endorsed the recently issued Labour Court recommendation of a 2 percent pay increase. The pay increase is back dated to June 2014 and will benefit more than 4,000 Penneys members in the Republic of Ireland.

The proposal will now be put to all Mandate Trade Union members in Penneys over the coming weeks in a national ballot.

Mandate Assistant General Secretary, Gerry Light said, “The National Shop Stewards Meeting took place last Friday and the mood was very positive.

“Our members always felt their claim for a pay increase had merit and the Court has now vindicated that position. This pay increase, on top of the 3 percent won previously, will go some way towards cancelling out many cost of living increases that have occurred in recent years.”

He added, “While pay is clearly one of the key issues, our members also feel that the review of the recently concluded banded hour’s contract was and will continue to be vitally important.

“This provides the framework to protect established weekly earnings and ensure a consistent level of income for them and their families, helping them to better plan their household budgets. These secure hour contracts, along with the pay increases won to date, show how important it is to be in a union and to have that union represent you for collective bargaining purposes.”

Mr Light concluded by saying that Mandate Trade Union will continue to engage with the company on the review of the Banded Hours Agreement.