Use your vote wisely

Thursday 22 May 2014

Mandate Trade Union members are being asked to carefully consider who they support in tomorrow’s (Friday, 23rd May 2014) European and Local Elections along with the Dublin West and Longford Westmeath by elections for the Dail.

Mandate General Secretary John Douglas, in a letter to all members said, “Mandate Trade Union members are being asked to carefully consider which individual or Political Party they support in these elections.”

He said, “These elections are a valuable opportunity for you to participate in the running of your society and your own community and it is your greatest chance to voice your opinion on a wide range of issues.

“Your union is asking you to think carefully about the policies of the individual or Party you are considering voting for. Think about how austerity has impacted on you and your family and ask yourself whether that Party supports the austerity agenda,” he added.

“All Mandate members should consider the potential alternatives and assess whether you believe those alternatives can achieve a better outcome for your living standards.”

Mr Douglas also warned members over potential broken promises.

“We know a lot of political promises have been made by all of the candidates, but we’re confident you will assess which promises are genuine and which will never be fulfilled.”

He concluded, “Finally, your union is asking that you encourage all of your friends, colleagues and relatives to get out and vote. If you don’t vote, they’ll think you don’t care.”