Mandate Trade Union launch smartphone app

Friday 2 May 2014

Mandate Trade Union has this week launched a brand new smartphone app for members.

The app was launched at the unions’ Biennial Delegate Conference by Mandate General Secretary John Douglas.

“We’re delighted to announce that Mandate is the first union in Ireland to launch a smartphone app. Our app is available on all of the main platforms including iPhone, Windows and Android,” he said.

He explained that the app will be a valuable resource for shop stewards, activists and members of Mandate.

“The app contains an online version of our shop steward manual with a very comprehensive guide to employment and trade union law. As the app is available offline, it will mean members can use it even when they have no internet access.”

The Mandate app provides quick links to the unions’ website, ensuring members are kept up to date with news. It also provides an easy to use facility where members can contact their local official.

Members can download the app at the following links:

Download the iPhone version here.
Download the Android version here.
Download the Windows version here.

You can find the intallation instructions here.