Boots workers vote to accept four percent pay increase

Friday 11 April 2014

Mandate members in Boots Ireland have today (Friday, 11th April 2014) balloted in favour of a four percent pay increase at the company.

The Mandate members in Boots, who employ more than 1600 workers, will receive the equivalent of two percent back dated to June 2013 with a further two percent due in June 2014.

Mandate Trade Union says this successful outcome for Boots workers is relevant and timely on the day that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) hosts a major conference in the Mansion House about a new course for better times in Ireland.

Brendan O’Hanlon, Mandate Divisional Organiser said, “On the day that Congress are discussing decent work and a living wage, our members have delivered for themselves a very significant increase in their take-home pay.

“This will allow our members and their families to have a better living standard which is vital in these tough economic times.”

He said, “In addition, the extra income these workers have achieved for themselves will be a boost for local shops and businesses where they spend most of their income. This will drive the economic recovery and jobs recovery that is badly needed iat this moment in time.”

Mandate’s General Secretary and President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions John Douglas said, “Irish workers, particularly those in the retail sector, badly need a pay increase.

“The trade union movement is key to winning those pay increases but what’s also needed is for more employers like Boots to realise the economic and social benefits of workers having more income in their back pockets.”