Penneys workers vote overwhelmingly for new ‘decent work’ deal

Friday 13 December 2013

Mandate trade union members in Penneys voted by a margin of 76% in favour of a new employment deal which will put ‘decent work’ on the agenda for their workforce.

Penneys employs approximately 4,500 workers across the Republic of Ireland.

Contained in the agreement is a new banded hours structure which will guarantee workers a minimum threshold of hours of work, ensuring they have a steady level of income

The new deal also includes:

  • A 3% pay increase retrospective to June 2013.
  • The abolition of the under 18 rate of pay.

The company were looking to introduce a new lower wage scale for new entrants; however, this was resisted by Mandate and the unions’ position was upheld in the Labour Court’s Recommendation.

Mandate Divisional Organiser Joe Donnelly said:

“This deal will give our members protection of their established weekly earnings through the new banded hours contract. It means Penneys workers will have greater certainty and security in relation to their weekly income.”

Mr Donnelly said this forms part of Mandate’s long term strategy to ensure their members obtain decent work in the retail sector.

“While a 3% pay increase is more than welcome, and will compensate Penneys workers for cost of living increases, security of earnings through banded hours is a huge step forward in Mandate’s campaign for decent work and a decent living wage in the retail sector,” he concluded.