Mandate concerned for future of 1200 jobs in Arnotts and Boyers

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Mandate Trade Union is voicing concerns for the future of over 1200 jobs in Arnotts and Boyers Department Stores as the bidding process for the Arnotts debt held by Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC) and Ulster Bank reaches a conclusion.

There is speculation which suggests there are a small number of serious bidders, including some trade bidders. Mandate understands that a decision will be made this week by Ulster Bank on offers for its share of the debt.

Mandate Trade Union are demanding that both IBRC and Ulster Bank put the employment of the existing Arnotts and Boyers employees and the potential to grow future employment to the very top of the criteria in their decision on a successful bid.

John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary said:

“Arnotts and Boyers workers have gone through a very painful and difficult five years. Nonetheless, they have worked with the current management to turn Arnotts and Boyers around in a very difficult retail environment, once again making Arnotts a unique and successful Irish retail brand.”

He added, “It would be a slap in the face to all Arnotts and Boyers workers if either IBRC or Ulster Bank were to merely try to maximise their return on their debt without any consideration of what is best for the workers now and into the future.”

Mr Douglas said it appears that Ulster Bank will be first to sell their debt but he has a strong message for them.

“Mandate and our members employed in Arnotts and Boyers will work closely with any new owner who has the best interests of the workers at heart. However, if Ulster Bank simply think they can maximise their return on their debt without consideration of the loyal workers, then they are sadly mistaken.

“In the current retail environment, decent jobs are a priority. Any bid which seeks to undermine or strip these decent jobs will be resisted and will damage the unique Arnotts brand in Ireland.”