Mandate Trade Union has acquired two places for members on a brand new course based out of the UCD School of Social Justice which will begin in early November.
Mandate is offering one place for an activist and another place for a Mandate Youth member.
The course – which is a Certificate in Social Justice and Trade Union Studies – will focus on:
The course is designed to offer a Level 8 accredited course designed to reconnect activists to trade union fundamentals in the context of an economy and society in transition. The course will be delivered by a combination of experienced trade union tutors and academics from the UCD School of Social Justice.
The criteria for a place on this course is the submission of a 500 word article the subject heading being ‘Social Justice in 2013 Ireland.’ Please send submissions to the Mandate National Coordinator of Training, Mandate Training Centre, Distillery House, Distillery Road, Dublin 3, or email to, by Friday, October 25, 2013.
Please see a full prospectus for the course for Mandate activists, click here.
Please see a full prospectus for the course for Mandate Youth members, click here.
The provisional course timetable is as follows:
2nd November 2013 – Introductory Day – UCD Dublin
10th January 2014 – Day 1 – UCD Dublin
Exploring and understanding theories of equality AND Intersectionality – gender, race and class
8th February 2014 – Day 2 – Trademark Centre, Belfast
Exploring the historical emergence of trade unions AND Trade Unions in the 21st Century
7th March 2014 – (residential) Day 3 – Trademark Centre, Belfast
Introduction to ‘political economy’
Globalization and the neo-liberal turn
8th March 2014 – (residential) Day 4 – Trademark Centre, Belfast
An overview of the role of trade unions and the ‘double transition’
25th April 2014 – Day 5 – Mandate Trade Union Training Centre, Dublin
Class presentations and discussion on key findings of course projects AND Trade Unions in praxis – practical projects on current trade union issues