Argos workers win pay increase and greater security of hours

Thursday 17 October 2013

Mandate Trade Union members in Argos have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a set of proposals negotiated between their union and the company.

The result of the ballot will mean the Argos workers will achieve a 3% pay increase with 2% backdated to July 2013. A further 1% will be payable in July 2014.

Also included in the deal will be increased guarantees in relation to minimum hours of employment which will give Argos workers greater income security. Existing staff will be prioritised when additional hours become available during peak and normal trading times.

The union also informed members ahead of the ballot that there would be some changes to the out of hour’s window and payment for long service increments will be commenced at the beginning of years seven and ten.

Mandate’s Industrial Officer David Miskell said, “It is very encouraging to see such an overwhelming majority voting in favour of what is a very good deal. Most retail workers are struggling financially in the current economic environment but this deal will give our members in Argos a much needed boost to their take home pay and also ensure they have protections around their income.

“This represents a positive outcome for all staff in these challenging times; Mandate will seek to continually improve the terms and conditions of employment of our members in Argos.”

He added, “The proposals have been achieved through constructive engagement between the company and Mandate and a mutual commitment to a positive Industrial Relations climate. We hope this constructive partnership which is beneficial to both the company and the workers continues into the future.”

Mr Miskell concluded by saying, “Yet again this result shows that being united in your union is the best way to have a say in your workplace and achieve the best possible outcome. We’d obviously encourage all retail workers to join Mandate and work together with their union to ensure their voice is heard.”

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