Mandate Trade Union to meet Marks & Spencer workers today

Thursday 8 August 2013

Mandate Trade Union is meeting with their members in Marks & Spencer today to discuss yesterday’s announcement of 180 job losses in Tallaght, Naas, Dun Laoghaire and Mullingar.

Mandate, which represents approximately 95% of all members in Marks & Spencer, said they will have three separate meetings which will be lead by Mandate Assistant General Secretary, Gerry Light.

“Firstly, we will be meeting with our members from the stores set to close in order to discuss redundancy and redeployment options,” said Mr Light.

He added, “We will also meet with our members in middle management who have been told that a large number of their jobs are under threat too.

“Finally, we’ll be meeting with shop stewards from all Marks & Spencer to discuss the company’s intention to seek a reduction in certain terms and conditions for all our members.”

Mr Light concluded by saying, “Our union will do everything in our power to ensure all our members achieve the best feasible outcome in terms of redundancy payments, redeployment where possible and the best possible protection of established terms and conditions.

Mandate representatives will be meeting with Marks & Spencer’s management in the coming days to put their members’ position to the company.