Further negotiation’s set to take place with Boots management

Friday 16 August 2013

Following another request by Boots management to attend the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), Mandate Trade Union wrote to the company seeking confirmation they will table their final position during this meeting, and will commit to attend the Labour Court if an agreement cannot be reached.

The company have contacted the LRC to confirm their willingness to attend and all parties are in the process of agreeing a date in the very near future.

“Boots workers are extremely frustrated at the company’s continued refusal to meaningfully engage on the issue of a pay increase for all members of staff, and it is hoped that this time, the company will make genuine attempts to resolve the matters in dispute,” said Brendan O’Hanlon, Mandate Divisional Organiser.

He said, “Negotiations between the company and the union began in June 2012, and now they are seeking another meeting despite continuously stating that they have not changed their position.

“Our members are angry and frustrated at how the company has treated them. They know that the reason the company has made record profits year on year is because of their hard work and dedication to the job.”

Mr O’Hanlon said that if the company continues its refusal to meaningfully engage, it will be up to the members to hold them to account.

“The Boots National Negotiations Team, which is elected by the members and contains shop stewards from throughout the company, has been exceptionally patient with management on this issue. The actions of the company can only be described as a strategy designed to confuse and frustrate members, but this has to stop,” he added.

“We’re still hopeful that the company will alter its position and will begin to meaningfully engage but if their strategy continues, we will be left with no alternative but to ballot for industrial action.”

The union are also examining all possible options with regard to pursuing the payment of bonuses due to staff in June 2013.

Mandate will keep all members informed of developments as the arise.

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Show your support for the Boots workers by clicking here and signing their petition for a fair pay increase for all workers.