Sinn Fein Press Release: Fine Gael/Labour TDs vote against amendment to protect Sunday premiums

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Fine Gael/Labour TDs vote against amendment to protect Sunday premiums of low paid workers
Today at Committee stage of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) 2012 (No.3 Bill) Sinn Fein TD Peadar Tóibín, spokesperson for Enterprise Jobs and Innovation, tabled an amendment that would safeguard Sunday premiums for low paid workers. Fine Gael and Labour TDs voted against the amendment
Speaking at Committee Peadar Tóibín TD said:
“In July last year I tabled legislation to safeguard the rights of workers in the JLC scheme. Sinn Féin, in partnership with the Trade Union movement campaigned for legislation to be enacted.
“The Government has stalled this legislation and nearly a year has passed since my original legislation. While there are positive aspects to the Fine Gael-Labour legislation it fails to balance the rights of low paid workers with the demands of employers and ends the payment oa Sunday premium. “We are not talking about well paid staff that can choose to work Sundays. We are talking about low paid workers who need every cent to survive. Many of these people only work weekends and as a result will take a major wage hit. Many are women. Many have no choice and should be adequately compensated.
“The legislation produced by Fine Gael and Labour will result in reduced wages for already low paid workers.
“Without changes to strengthen the rights of low paid workers Sinn Féin will oppose this legislation and seek its replacement with the Bill that we drafted and submitted in consultation with the Trade Union movement.”