Mandate calls on employers to ensure Equal Treatment for Agency Workers from 5 December

Tuesday 6 December 2011

From 5 December agency workers will be entitled to the same pay and conditions of employment as direct employees on the site to which they are deployed from day one of deployment. Mandate Trade Union has today called on all employers to ensure this equal treatment for agency workers takes place.

Following the Employers’ Group IBEC failure to secure a twelve month stay on equal treatment for agency workers, Mandate’s General Secretary and ICTU Vice President John Douglas, who was part of the ICTU delegation meeting with Government and Employers, said: “this is just one example of how trade unions are fighting back to protect vulnerable workers, such as agency workers. We will fight all attempts by Government and employers to drive down pay and conditions in a race to the bottom.

“The employers had argued that equal pay and conditions for agency workers who perform equal work would cost jobs and increase business overhe