Mandate News Election 2011 has hit the shelves and as the name suggests the magazine aims to make some sense out of all the political noise we are being bombarded with at the moment. Why’s it necessary? Because we want to make sure of the very best outcome for Mandate members on polling day, this Friday, 25th February. The only way to do this is for Mandate members to be informed and mobilised on how to use their vote to the best possible effect.
The magazine breaks down the different party’s views on topics vital to our interests such as the legal protections around workers’ pay and conditions, collective bargaining and access to public services such as health and education. It also draws attention to what the parties have said they will do if they get into power.
We describe what Mandate has been trying to achieve in several different areas such as the Ireland’s Day of Shame campaign and the importance of making the most of your vote. The magazine makes the point that there are options in the upcoming election to achieve a better, fairer way in Irish society. But this will only come about if parties of the broad left receive enough support from the people. That means making sure not only you vote but that your family votes, your workmates vote and your friends vote. Change will only happen if we make it happen.