Mandate Membership Week
Tuesday 20 April 2010
Mandate Trade Union is asking members and activists to make a pledge for one week in May to sign up to the Mandate Membership Week. Mandate says a relatively minor commitment by all union activists during this week will enable a real and positive change for retail workers in the workplace and in society in general.
Mandate Membership Week will take place from 24 – 28 May 2010.
Brian Forbes, Mandate’s National Coordinator of Campaigns said, “Mandate Membership Week has been developed in order to emphasise the importance of recruitment for retail workers if they want to protect and improve their living standards.
“At a time of serious economic turmoil in Irish society, it is important that workers realise that despite continuing to post profits, there are a lot of retail companies using the recession to attack long fought for terms and conditions including pay rates. Should they be successful, there will obviously be a knock on effect for other companies who will no doubt argue that they need to compete with these rogue employers.
“The best way to protect yourself and your family is to fight back and pledge to support Mandate Membership Week in order to recruit more members in organised and unorganised employments. This will enable Mandate to lobby and advocate in a more efficient and effective manner towards Government and policy makers on your behalf as well as allowing you to have a stronger voice in your workplace and your employment sector.
“We envisage that the Mandate Membership Week will become an annual occurrence which will enable Mandate to grow to its full potential and represent workers as fully and as successfully as possible. It is clear that in order to be successful in terms of representing workers in the workplace and in wider society; we must recruit more members and activists as a matter of urgency. It is in all our interests that we recruit more members and the responsibility for this is a collective one between Mandate and its members.
“Remember, we are stronger together!”
Mandate Membership Week Pledge
I pledge to actively assist Mandate during the course of Mandate Membership Week. I understand the importance of working together as part of a team to strengthen our membership where we already have members and to reach out to those potential members at unorganized sites. I will work alongside
Mandate’s team of Officials, administration staff and fellow Mandate activists to pull out all the stops to give my union a massive membership boost over the course of Mandate Membership Week.
For more information on this initiative contact the Mandate Organising and Training Centre on 01 8369699 or your local official.