MANDATE accuses Government of targeting low income workers while Anglo Bondholders receive €1.25bn

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Mandate Trade Union has today accused the Government of targeting workers on lower and middle incomes while they continue to protect Anglo Bondholders who will receive €1.25bn.

The union’s General Secretary, John Douglas, claimed that it disgraceful that Anglo Bondholders will receive €1.25bn of tax payers money while increases in VAT, carbon tax and other stealth taxes coupled with cuts made to welfare payments continue to hit lower income workers hardest.

He said: “While stealth tax increases and welfare cuts disproportionately affect those on lower incomes, this Fine Gael / Labour Government continue to protect the richest. It is completely nonsensical that workers are punished for a bank that they had nothing to do with. The Government expect workers to face the hefty bill for these ‘gamblers’ debts and it is a disgrace.

John Douglas continued by saying that he was appalled that the cuts from Child Benefit, Back to School Allowance, home help, education, community employment schemes and health are being used to pay a debt that does not belong to the workers. He stated “The cuts and taxes this Government and its predecessor continue to make have made the situation much worse for families on lower incomes who are barely keeping their heads above water.

“Given the welfare cuts and stealth tax increases, it’s clear that the Government has not done enough to protect those on the lowest incomes in our society but they have no problem protecting Anglo Bondholders. Maybe it is time for the Government to reevaluate their priorities.” John Douglas concluded.