Rally in support of unfairly dismissed Connolly Shoes workers takes place in Dun Laoghaire

Thursday 7 November 2013

A rally was held today in Dun Laoghaire in support of four workers who were unfairly dismissed more than three years ago but have still not received compensation from their employer.

Following the dismissal of the workers – John Mulpetre, Damian Keegan, Susan Tonge and Patrick Byrne – in spring of 2010, they were awarded compensation sums in excess of €100,000 in relation to various breaches in Employment Law, including Unfair Dismissals.

One of the workers, John Mulpetre, has picketed the store five days a week for more than three years seeking justice and his entitlements.

John Douglas, Mandate Trade Union General Secretary said:

“After three years and seven months, these workers deserve justice. It is shameful that they still haven’t received the compensation that they are legally entitled to and it is even more shameful that the Irish industrial relations system allows rogue employers like Matthew Connolly to continue as a Director after giving these workers the run-around for so long.”

Mr Douglas was critical of Irish company and employment legislation and has called on politicians to address the obvious inadequacies.

“As it stands, the legislation allows managers like Mr Connolly to hide behind a veil of corporate secrecy in order to avoid their responsibilities as employers. Transferring assets from one company to another and avoiding sanctions while employees like John Mulpetre, who gave 38 loyal years of service to the company, are left out in the cold and rain fighting for justice.”

Connolly Shoes worker John Mulpetre said:

“I’ve been on strike for more than three years trying to receive some level of justice from my former employer who has treated all of us appallingly. Matthew Connolly, owner of Connolly Shoes, has absolutely no concept of loyalty and his disregard for the combined service of 100 years we gave his company is a real kick in the teeth for all of us.”

“However, the level of support we’ve received from the local community in Dun Laoghaire has been immense,” he said. “I certainly would not be picketing this employer now if it wasn’t for the fantastic support I’ve received since 2010.”

Mr Mulpetre added that he will continue his campaign for justice:

“I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to picket my former employer and with the support of my union and the local community I’m determined to achieve a fair and just resolution for all of the sacked workers. This is now a matter of principle.”

See pictures of the event here.