Dispute between Lloyds Pharmacy and Mandate Trade Union goes to Labour Court

Thursday 9 November 2017

Ireland’s largest pharmacy chain using zero-hour contracts and denying staff a basic sick pay scheme

Members of Mandate Trade Union working in Lloyds Pharmacy have today (Thursday, 9th November) lodged a claim with the Labour Court to address issues which include:

  • A fair pay increase;
  • Security of hours (eliminating zero-hour contracts); and
  • The introduction of a sick pay scheme.

Lloyds Pharmacy employs approximately 1,000 staff across 94 branches along with its head office in City West, Dublin.

Lloyds Pharmacy is owned by German healthcare corporation Celesio, which is in turn owned by one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, McKesson Corporation. McKesson, which also owns the Irish pharmaceutical distribution business United Drug, had revenues of $190 billion in 2016.

Gerry Light, Mandate Assistant General Secretary, said:

“After ignoring our requests to address the issues of concern for Lloyds workers earlier this year, the Company eventually agreed to attend talks at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). However, after just one session at the WRC, management withdrew unilaterally from the process. Unfortunately this means our members have been left with no option but to escalate the matter to the Labour Court.”

Regarding the use of zero-hour contracts and lack of sick pay scheme in the Lloyds Pharmacy, Mr. Light said:

“It beggars belief that the largest pharmacy chain in Ireland, owned by one of the world’s largest and most profitable healthcare corporations, is refusing to provide staff with secure working hours and a sick pay scheme.”

He added, “The workers in Lloyds Pharmacy look after the healthcare needs of the people in their communities. Yet if they get sick, they have the added stress of dealing with the financial and personal implications associated with being unable to work. Of course, what this means is, many are forced to come into work sick because they simply can’t afford to take time off to recover from their illness. That’s not healthy for anyone.”

Mr. Light concluded: “We believe this is about basic human decency over corporate greed. It is our hope the company will re-consider its position and engage positively in order to address our members’ issues and concerns without delay.”

Mandate is Ireland’s largest retail workers’ union representing staff in retail pharmacies across Ireland including Boots, McCabes and Hickeys. The Union represents staff in approximately two-thirds of all Lloyds Pharmacy locations in Ireland.

Join Mandate today by clicking here.