Solidarity with French strikers

Thursday 9 April 2015

We send our solidarity to our brothers and sisters in the CGT, FO, FSU, and Solidaires on strike today across France.

Since 2008 Europe’s austerity consensus has driven millions out of work, attacked living standards, increased poverty, bled the welfare state and attacked workers’ rights. This class war from above provides great challenges to the trade union movement – but also new opportunities for international solidarity.

The victory of Syriza in Greece, the mass Right2Water mobilisations in Ireland and the growth of anti-austerity alternatives in Spain evidence a rising tide of working people drawing a line in the sand of austerity and demanding a different kind of society. Today’s demonstration in France adds another wave to this tide.

We join with you in rejecting the Loi Macron and all ‘structural reforms’ that damage workers’ rights. Your fight for collective bargaining rights and minimum wage increases are our fights too. And at a time of unprecedented cuts to women’s living standards in Ireland we echo your demand for gender equality.

Every time we see progressive people organise and demonstrate against injustice we are reminded that another Europe is possible. This is especially important in times of hardship for so many. The recent successes of the Front National are a warning to all of us that we need mobilisations against desperation.

When you march today across France, thousands in Ireland will be with you.

The era of austerity is over. Let’s build the alternative together.

John Douglas

Mandate General Secretary and President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions