Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strikers honoured in Dublin

Tuesday 19 May 2015
A plaque in honour of those who took part in the Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strike was laid on Henry Street in Dublin yesterday (Monday, 18th May 2015).
In 1984 eleven young workers from Dunnes Stores went on strike for two years and nine months for their right not to handle goods from Apartheid South Africa. Their strike eventually led to the Irish government banning goods from South Africa and is credited with helping to end the Apartheid regime.
Nelson Mandela said the Dunnes workers’ stand helped keep him going during his time in prison.
Speaking at the event, John Douglas, Mandate Trade Union General Secretary, said:
“These workers deserve to be honoured in this way and much, much more. When they took their principled stance in 1984, they weren’t very popular. Their employer, Dunnes Stores, targeted them, but so too did the State. They were ridiculed. Their work colleagues passed their pickets and abused them on a daily basis. As did many members of the public.”
He added, “They were only teenagers at the time and it would have been so easy to just walk away, but they stood strong. They stayed outside this shop for more than two and a half years because of an injustice that was happening to people they had never met more than 10,000 kilometres away.That type of solidarity is very rare and this city and this country should be very proud of their inspirational stand.”
Karen Gearon, shop steward during the strike, says the plaque being unveiled today will also remember the workers’ union rep at the time – Brendan Archbold.
Ms Gearon said: “When the strike started he told us we wouldn’t be out for more than two weeks.
“It was probably the only thing he got wrong in the whole dispute. He was so supportive to us, but we never thought it would go on for two years and nine months.
“There were times on the picket line when we felt so down, that we just wanted to walk away from it. But we would never have gone back in and handled South African produce, we would have lost our jobs before we did that.”
Roseleen Archbold, wife of the late Brendan Archbold, said: “Today’s ceremony and unveiling is an acknowledgement of Brendan’s lifelong contribution to the trade union movement and wider society. He was passionate about the South African struggle and was immensely proud of the strikers and the sacrifices they made. Sadly neither Bren or his hero Mandela can be here to witness this wonderful event, however, this tribute will ensure that their legacy will never be forgotten and we as a family are immensely proud of him and his work.”
Mr Douglas added: “It’s fitting that Brendan Archbold, former Mandate official, is also honoured today. Brendan was the heart and soul of the strike and he believed in these workers and stood by them every step of the way. This plaque is a part of Brendan’s legacy, but the larger part of his legacy and the legacy of all of the strikers is the free South Africa that we see today.”
The plaque honours all who took part in the strike including:
Brendan Archbold, Karen Gearon, Mary Manning, Liz Deasy, Michelle Gavin, Vonnie Munroe, Alma Russell, Tommy Davis, Sandra Griffin, Theresa Mooney, Catherine O’Reilly and Brendan Barron.