Stop Israel’s slaughter in Gaza – support tomorrow’s rally

Friday 18 July 2014
Sat, 19 July 2014, 14:00 Assemble @ The Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
For a full list of rallies throughout the country click here
Mandate General Secretary John Douglas is calling on all members to support tomorrow’s (Saturday, 19th July 2014) march and rally in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Mr Douglas said, “The people of Gaza are being killed, maimed and terrorised by the Israeli war machine. The killing of innocent men women and children is horrific and we need to send a strong message to our own government and to the European Union that the behaviour of Israel will not be tolerated.
“This week we saw an army with some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the world target and kill four innocent and very young children as they played on a beach,” he said.
“As trade unionists, we cannot sit back and allow this slaughter to continue. Israel should no longer be allowed to act with impunity but our government and other political leaders will not take action until we do.”
The Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign is organising the rally. Mandate members are asked to assemble at 2pm at The Spire, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1. March to Israeli Embassy, via the Dail.
Information from the IPSC below:
The Israeli state has launched a fresh assault on the Palestinian people, a collective punishment of a captive population. Israeli officials are now talking about “expanding and intensifying” the assault on Gaza which has already killed some 200 people, the vast majority of them civilians including 36 children and 29 women. Over 1,200 people, mostly civilians, have been wounded, including 368 children and 253 women. 246 houses have been targeted and destroyed and 100s of others extensively damaged, while thousands of civilians have been forcibly displaced. Attacks have also been taking place in the West Bank for the past month, where at least 10 people were killed.
This slaughter must end immediately, and Israel must be held accountable for its criminal actions against the Palestinian people.
Join us this Saturday to make your voices heard. Please bring friends, flags, banners, noise. We would ask that you do not bring party-political flags.