Mandate call on all members to support Saturday’s Freedom & Justice for Palestine National Demonstration

Thursday 7 August 2014
Mandate Trade Union is calling on all members to support this Saturday’s (9th Aug) national demonstration in support of the people of Palestine who have been devastated in the recent conflict with Israel.
All members are asked to assemble at the Spire on O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 at 2pm and to look for the Mandate Trade Union banner.
Buses will be running from Belfast, Cork, Derry and Waterford – see below.
During the course of the current conflict, more than 1,800 Palestinians lost their lives – 75 percent of whom were innocent civilians with more than 400 children killed.
Mandate has previously written to all major retailers asking them to cease purchasing goods from Israel until they agree a truce, withdraw their forces behind the 1967 borders, end the policy of settlement in Palestinian territory and negotiate an agreement providing for a lasting peace in accordance with UN resolutions.
Our union has also produced a public petition which has been signed by more than 7,500 people so far (please sign and share now if you haven’t already done so).
Hear Mr Douglas discuss Mandate’s call for a Boycott here.

Mandate General Secretary John Douglas said, “It is vitally important that as many people come out on the streets this Saturday as possible. Our government and the international community continue to turn a blind eye to the atrocities taking place against ordinary civilians in Gaza and it’s time to say enough is enough.
“This current conflict is the third time in five short years where the people of Gaza – who are living in the largest open air prison in the world – have been pounded by the might of Israel, the fourth most powerful military regime in the world.”
“We want a lasting peace to occur and for this to happen, a large proportion of the responsibility lies with Israel as the occupying power in the region,” said Mr Douglas.
“We want to see an end to the blockade of Gaza, an end to the illegal settlements and an end to the unnecessary violence and killing,” he said.
You can join this event on Facebook and share with your colleagues and friends by clicking here.
We are also asking people to bring a child’s toy which will be given to the Gaza Toy Drive.
Derry – Dublin: Leaving Foyle Street, at 9.30am on Saturday
Belfast – Dublin: Leaving City Hall 11am (£5)
Cork – Dublin: Leaving Patrick’s Quay, Cork 9.45am (€20 return) – Email palestinecork [at]
Waterford – Dublin: Leaving The Forum at the Glen Waterford at 10am (€10 return)
Organised by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Supporting Organsiations: Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Mandate, Gaza Action Ireland, TEEU (The Power Union), Academics for Palestine, Irish Anti-War Movement, Sadaka – The Ireland Palestine Alliance, Peace and Neutrality Alliance, NUIG Palestine Solidarity Society.