Recognise Palestine NOW!

Tuesday 24 February 2015
Yesterday Sadaka and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions launched a major outdoor media advertising campaign urging citizens to put pressure on the Government to recognise the State of Palestine.
On 10th December, 2014, Dáil Éireann unanimously passed a motion calling on the Irish Government to recognise the State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Seanad Éireann passed a similar motion on 22nd October 2014, again supported by all parties. However, the Government has failed to act on these motions and therefore, we as a nation, do not yet recognise the State of Palestine.
Meanwhile, Palestine continues to disappear through the ongoing construction of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. It is high time the Government implemented the decisions of both Houses of the Oireachtas and joined the other 135 countries around the world that already recognise the State of Palestine. Formal recognition would be a powerful reaffirmation of Ireland’s stated commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state and to a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine.
Keep an eye out for Look at the State of Palestine ads!
For two weeks only, billboards with maps of disappearing Palestine will be mounted across Dublin on Drumcondra Bridge, Dundrum Rd., Lansdowne Rd., Stillorgan Rd. and on the East Wall Rd. to the Port Tunnel. There will also be a billboard in the Dunnes Stores Car Park in Portlaoise (constituency of Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan). In addition, you’ll find the advert on bus shelters around the city, ad-boxes and on transvision screens in Heuston, Connnolly and Pearse Street train stations and Busárus. You may also spot a Look at the State of Palestine Dublin Bus!
For those of you outside of Dublin and Portlaoise, click for a copy of the advert.
What can you do to support the campaign?

1. Take a selfie of yourself and the Look at the State of Palestine! advert and post to Facebook & Twitter @SADAKAireland #‎Selfie4Statehood

2. Text Palestine to 51500 (standard text rates apply)

3. Email Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan – urging him to immediately implement the decisions of both Houses of the Oireachtas and recognise Palestine now

Ask your local Fine Gael and Labour TDs, as members of Government parties, to contact Minister Flanagan asking him to implement the votes of both Houses of the Irish Oireachtas and recognise the state of Palestine before it’s too late!
With your support, we believe we can pressurise the Government to recognise Palestine NOW!