Union steps up pressure on Dunnes Stores

Friday 23 May 2014

As part of its “Decency for Dunnes Workers” campaign Mandate Trade Union has today (Friday, 23 May 2014) written directly to Dunnes Stores owners Margaret Heffernan and Frank Dunne seeking their intervention after the company’s management team refused to respond to a letter from the workers’ union.

Last month, Mandate wrote to Dunnes Stores management seeking to engage on a number of issues identified by workers including:

  • Decent hours and earnings;
  • Job security;
  • Fair pay; and
  • The right to trade union representation.

Mandate Assistant General Secretary Gerry Light said he was “disappointed in the failure of the company to respond within the required 21 days which is part of the agreed procedures between the company and the union.”

Mr Light added, “Ignoring the issues in this way will not make them go away, rather it will strengthen the resolve of our members working in Dunnes to have them dealt with.

“It is regrettable that an Irish retail business of the size and reputation of Dunnes Stores have behaved in this way and are refusing to engage on core workplace issues that affect the living standards of their loyal workers who have helped to make the company as successful as it is today.”

Mr Light said workers in Dunnes’ major competitors had access to full trade union representation and all that Dunnes workers want is for that same right to be applied to them.

“Our members in Dunnes have been very reasonable over the past number of years but their patience is wearing out. If Tesco and Penneys workers can avail of their right to representation and can secure decent working conditions, then that right should be afforded to Dunnes workers too.”