Mandate condemns Lifestyle Sports management for store closure threats

Friday 31 January 2014

Mandate will take whatever actions necessary to protect the terms and conditions of our members.

Mandate Trade Union has expressed concern over threats by management at Lifestyle Sports to close 10 of their 67 stores in Ireland as they seek rent reductions. The union says this announcement is irresponsible and insensitive towards their staff members who are now unsure about their future employment.

Workers in Lifestyle Sports have been told they will not lose their jobs but may be forced into transferring to other locations if the 10 store closures go ahead.

Gerry Light, Mandate Assistant General Secretary said, “These workers are not pieces of stock that can just be transferred from one store to the next. Many have families and at best moving store will cost extra in terms of a commute and at worst may mean a worker will have to relocate their whole life. These are very serious concerns for retail workers in this current economic environment.”

Mr Light said the actions of management shows a total disregard for their workers whose jobs are being used as leverage in a game of poker with their landlords.

Mr Light said, “We’re disappointed the company has taken this step and has not engaged with the workers’ union Mandate. We will be seeking a meeting with management in the immediate future to discuss our members concerns.”

He added, “We are strongly recommending that any Lifestyle Sports workers who are not members of Mandate at this moment in time should join with the rest of their colleagues in order to protect their existing conditions and achieve the best possible outcome in the event any or all of these stores closing.”

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