Marks & Spencer strike averted

Monday 9 September 2013

MANDATE Trade Union has announced that tomorrow’s scheduled industrial action in four Marks & Spencer stores will not go ahead after the company and union reached an agreement last week.

Union members in the Dun Laoghaire, Mullingar, Naas and Tallaght stores voted in favour of industrial action a number of weeks ago after the company issued their workers with compulsory redundancy notices without any exploration of alternatives.

Mandate and Marks & Spencer negotiated a settlement which was balloted on and accepted by the members in the four stores last Wednesday.

Gerry Light, MANDATE’s Assistant General Secretary said, “It is regretful that our members had to threaten industrial action in order to achieve what was a very reasonable proposition.

“As a union, we had never questioned the motives for the closure of the four stores and all we were asking was that redeployment should be an option where possible. Our members fought for redeployment and they have now won that opportunity,” he said.

He added, “Our members voted almost unanimously in favour of a comprehensive set of proposals, which allow for redeployment to nearby stores.

“The level of support for the proposals shows the quality of the deal negotiated and it is now up to the union and our members to ensure there is as large an uptake of those jobs on offer as possible,” he said.

Mr Light concluded by saying, “This successful outcome for the Marks & Spencer workers was only achieved because they were united in their union and were prepared to fight for a better deal for themselves and their families. It again emphasises the importance and value of being a trade union member in today’s economic environment.”