Congress and Ibec team up to support Ukraine humanitarian relief efforts

Wednesday 30 March 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis have resonated greatly with the Irish public.

In light of this, ICTU and Ibec have come together to facilitate and encourage workers and employers to give practical support to the humanitarian relief efforts of the International Red Cross and UNICEF Ireland in Ukraine.

We are encouraging workers to donate one hour’s worth of their pay to this relief fund.

Where they do, Ibec has agreed to encourage employers to match the contribution on a voluntary basis.

Where workers wish to participate they should give written permission to their employer to deduct one hours pay for the purpose of the fund. Participating employers should make their respective contribution and the joint monies should be lodged to the following account:

Bank of Ireland

87-89 Pembroke Road


Dublin 4

D04 X738

IBAN: IE02 BOFI 9009 7337 283438

Swift Code: BOFIIE2D

Congress President Kevin Callinan said:

“The people of Ireland have been inspired by the principled and courageous resistance of the Ukrainian people, and Congress fully supports their struggle for a just peace, built on respect for democracy, self-determination, and humanity. We have added our voices to calls for strong and united European and global action against Russia for as long as this illegal invasion continues. This initiative is a practical expression of that solidarity, and I urge trade unionists and employers across our island to participate”.

Ibec CEO Danny McCoy said:

“This joint initiative between ICTU and Ibec sends a strong message of support from the business community to the people of Ukraine. In the past few weeks, we have seen the broad spectrum of Irish business extensively engaging with humanitarian organisations to support those impacted by the atrocities taking place in Ukraine and we are encouraging all who can continue to do so to support this deserving cause.”

Congress General Secretary Patricia King said:

“Ukrainian women, children, and men are living and dying in a horrific war of pain, depravity, and brutality. Ukrainians have inspired the world by standing against Putin’s invasion of a sovereign country, now they need our help.”

The account will be independently overseen by Mazars Consulting, and the final totals in the account will be transferred to the International Red Cross and UNICEF Ireland to support their humanitarian efforts in and around Ukraine.

We appreciate that many workers, and some unions and businesses, have already made important contributions to the humanitarian crisis.

This initiative is entirely voluntary. However, we would encourage all our members who can to seek to make a difference and assist this worthy humanitarian cause.