Attention all recently Unemployed Members – Training Support Grant (TSG)

Monday 8 June 2020

Dear Member,

As you are aware the current Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a huge amount of uncertainty in the retail sector and across all sectors of the Irish economy.

Unfortunately, many Mandate members have experienced this severe impact over the past number of months, resulting in jobs losses within the industry and insecurity about future employment.

You are entitled to a Training Support Grant (TSG) to help you get back into employment, valued at €500.

Mandate has worked hard to negotiate an unemployed online training package with our training partner Olive Group, who supplies employability training across many sectors. We have communicated this training initiative to the Department of Social Protection.

Olive is offering Mandate unemployed members, the opportunity to avail of an online training package covering a range of sectors including Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare, Office, and Construction and all courses selected for the online unemployment package are certified by accredited organisations. Please CLICK HERE to view the unemployment-training package.

Olive’s entire training package is available to you for the value of the Department of Social Protections Unemployment Training Support Grant which is €500.

These courses will ensure members and members’ families are equipped with the necessary skills to help you get back into employment as quickly as possible.

Since these courses can be taken online using a smartphone, tablet or computer, it is a very quick and easy way of upskilling and improving your CV with lots of certification. This training opportunity will support our member’s chances to become re-employed.

This unique offer will be available to ALL members who are unemployed.

The Olive Group has put in place a process to support our unemployed members in accessing this training package through the Department of Social Protection’s Training Support Grant.

This support mechanism will help you avail of these courses and link you in with your local employment services.

If you wish for a member of the Olive team to contact you regarding this unique service, please register below and one of their customer service staff will contact and guide you through the process.