Mandate saddened by passing of activist Joe McGouran

Thursday 9 March 2017

It is with deep sadness that Mandate Trade Union has learned of the sudden passing of our brother Joe McGouran.

Joe was a stalwart trade unionist and a Mandate activist for two decades, first as a shop steward in Penneys on Mary Street in Dublin, and then as a member of Mandate’s National Executive. Joe proudly represented Mandate at conferences in Ireland as well as international conferences with UNI Global Union.

His energy and enthusiasm knew no bounds. He diligently represented his fellow members in Penneys and always gave 100 percent in all of his endeavours for workers’ rights and equality in Irish society.

A large part of Joe’s heritage going back to his childhood was as a street trader, and he continued that heritage after he finished working in Penneys.

Joe strongly believed in the power of the collective, both in industrial campaigning but also in political campaigning. In recent weeks Joe gave up most of his spare time to help on the Tesco picket lines on Baggot Street where his enthusiasm captured the imagination of the Tesco members and members of the public in equal measure. He also spent time actively promoting the Decency for Dunnes Workers’ campaign.

Joe was a passionate supporter of LGBT rights, equal marriage, freedom for the Palestinian people, the Clean Clothes Campaign and Repeal of the 8th amendment. He was also a volunteer steward and activist with the Right2Water and Right2Change campaigns, as well as a supporter of the Home Sweet Home campaign.

If there was a demonstration for fairness and equality on any issue, you could be sure that Joe would be there waving his Mandate flag.

While everybody in Mandate is devastated by Joe’s sudden passing yesterday on International Women’s Day, in the future when we think of women’s equality, we will always remember the contribution Joe, our brother and our comrade, gave to equality for women and all in Irish society.

Joe McGouran: We are all the better for knowing you and the world is better for having had you. Rest In Power (RIP).

Mandate wishes to express our deepest condolences to Joe’s family and friends on his sudden passing.