Mandate Trade Union seek meeting with B&Q over potential job losses

Tuesday 31 March 2015
Mandate Trade Union has written to management at B&Q Ireland seeking a meeting while expressing concern for up to 600 jobs at the retailer.
The Union has written to the Company saying they are “disappointed” that B&Q staff have been informed of potential store closures through media reports “given the silence about these closures by Senior Management”.
Gerry Light, Mandate Assistant General Secretary said: “Our members are shocked and extremely disappointed they had to find out their livelihoods are at potential risk through the national media.”
He added, “We would be very surprised if any of the store closures are to take place in the Republic of Ireland considering the sacrifices made by B&Q workers two years ago when the company engaged in their previous restructuring process.
“Clearly the decent thing for B&Q management to do now is to sit down, as requested, with the workers’ representatives and give clarity on the implications of today’s announcement for its Irish staff,” concluded Mr Light.