Mandate welcomes positive jobs news in B&Q, Athlone

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Mandate Trade Union has welcomed today’s announcement that 45 jobs are to be saved in B&Q, Athlone following a rent reduction on their premises.

Gerry Light, Assistant General Secretary for Mandate said: “While this is a very welcome development, and something the union had been pursuing for the last number of months through meetings with the examiners, political lobbying and pressuring the company, we are equally concerned by the job losses still due to take place in Waterford in just over a month.”

He said: “There will be a lot of relief for the Athlone workers but I’m sure they’ll spare a thought for their colleagues who still face job losses in Waterford and I have no doubt they’ll also feel a bit aggrieved by the unnecessary stress they’ve been put under due to this whole process.”

Mr Light said he hoped a deal could be reached on the Waterford rental lease which would allow those jobs to be saved too.

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