Mandate Trade Union calls for Withdrawal of Household Charge and introduction of fair Property Tax

Friday 9 March 2012

The Mandate Trade Union has called on the Government to withdraw the €100 Household Charge on the basis that it is unfair and regressive. However, the union’s National Executive Committee has said it will support the Government in introducing a fair and progressive property tax.

Mandate Trade Union – one of Ireland’s largest unions – represents over 45,000 workers in the retail and bar trades.

John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary, said that a fair property tax is needed. “One of the causes of the country’s current economic difficulties was the frittering away of the tax base under successive Governments and our over-reliance on transaction taxes like Stamp Duty. In order to rectify this situation we need to put a proper tax system in place and a property tax needs to be part of that – however, one that is fair and progressive.”

Mr Douglas said that Mandate believes that it