Mandate Trade Union calls on Government to immediately publish Duffy/Walsh review of Joint Labour Committees

Friday 20 May 2011

Mandate, General Secretary John Douglas says independent Duffy/Walsh
review appears to contradict employers’ claims that abolition of JLCs
would create jobs

The Mandate Trade Union has this morning called for the immediate
publication by Government of the independent Duffy/Walsh review on
the operation of the Joint Labour Committees (JLCs) that set wage
rates and conditions for 300,000 low and middle income workers. Mandate
represents 45,000 workers in the retail and bar trades.

John Douglas, Mandate General Secretary, issued a cautious welcome for
the findings published by RTE this morning, but said that it is hard
to arrive at a final judgement until the full review is published. In
particular, Mr Douglas highlighted Duffy/Walsh’s apparent finding that
the abolition of the JLCs would not create employment contrary to the
claims of the employers’ or